Our Team

Our Team

Minuteman Disaster Response is driven by a highly talented group of leaders who selflessly give of themselves to serve communities impacted by disasters. This group of individuals is subject matter experts in their respective areas, and we are grateful to have their commitment to our organization.

– Staff –




Assistant Executive Director, National Operations - Eric learned about Minuteman’s mission during a demonstration at a local church. When he learned the quality training they provided, he knew it was the right organization for him. Eric says Minuteman is designed for people who have a desire to serve others. He knows this first-hand from his deployment to Kingsland, Texas, where helped people return to their homes following the severe flooding there.  
“Minuteman offers a knowledgeable and structured environment in which anyone can make a difference.”
Eric is a husband and father of two, and home inspector by trade. He and his family enjoy the great outdoors, riding four-wheelers, and skiing whenever they can.    



Assistant Executive Director, National Operations



Assistant Executive Director, National Development John was talking with his pastor, a fellow MDR Volunteer, Michael Gamble, and was asked what he enjoyed doing in life. John's response was that he found joy in working hard, sweating, and getting dirty. After this conversation, Michael knew exactly where John belonged and introduced him to the MDR Team. Shortly thereafter, John had signed up for the Relief Team and had been on several deployments.  
Do you want to serve others, be fulfilled, and be the hands and feet of Jesus? If so, then MDR is the place to be.
  John spends his time outside of MDR with his wife and as the volunteer maintenance director for his church as well as serving on non-profit boards.



Assistant Executive Director, National Development



Director of Operations - Region 4 - Randy became a member of Minuteman after volunteering through his local church. After getting home from his trip, he immediately became a member and began his training. He has often said that the most rewarding experience as a team member is to encourage and pray with homeowners who have often lost everything.  
“We go to help and encourage those in great need, but usually we are the ones who get the blessing as we work with these individuals and families.”
Randy works with technology for Public Sectors but spends most of his time with his true passion; being a worship team leader at his church.        



Director of Operations - Region 4



Director of Strategic Partnerships - Brian got involved with MDR because of working with another disaster response organization. MDR was a perfect fit for his personality, values, and beliefs. He has loved getting to know like minded folks and making an impact after survivors' worst days.  
“I think others should get involved with MDR because of the community. There isn't anything like it. The common goal of helping someone on their worst day is a bond that is hard to break.”
Brian has three children with his wife, who is an author.      



Director of Strategic Partnerships



Director of Member Success - Timothy first became involved with Minuteman after creating a short documentary about the organization in college in 2018.  After finishing college, Timothy joined as a volunteer shortly after focusing on capturing the devastation and coming together of volunteers through photography and videography.  
“Minuteman is changing lives in the wake of destruction.  Join up and get to work!.”
Timothy is married, to his wife Elizabeth, and spends his free time cooking, working at his church as an audio engineer, and volunteering online as a video editor.          



Director of Member Success



Director of Logistics & Training - After more than ten years as a first responder for the federal government and an equal amount of time volunteering for emergency management Al felt the need to continue using those skills to serve those in need.  After moving to Texas, Al discovered Minuteman through the Collin County website and became a member the same day.  
“If you are looking for ways to help others and enjoy adventure, Minuteman would be a good fit.”
Al spends his time away from Minuteman being a stay-at-home dad to two lovely daughters and a devoted wife.  He enjoys cooking and to a lesser extent doing yard work.          



Director of Logistics & Training



Administrative Assistant - Carla's husband, Scott, had been involved with MDR for years before she joined the team.  After experiencing the excellent work that Minuteman does for those in need, Carla joined the Gala Committee and soon after, became a part of the staff team as an Administrative Assistant.  
“It truly is more blessed to give than receive and so satisfying to serve with a community of people doing something for the greater good.”
Carla is a mom to 3 kids, with 2 sons in college and her daughter in high school.  She enjoys time with her family and dogs, as we ll as exercising and being outdoors.          



Administrative Assistant

– Leadership Team –




Founding Member - Paul is a founder of Minuteman, and has remained a highly active member since its inception. While delivering donated goods to Joplin following the 2011 tornado there, he was moved by the struggles suffered by victims and the high demands encountered by first responders. He recognized there was room for prepared volunteers to help in the immediate hours following such disasters. He has seen the dreams of Minuteman fulfilled and exceeded, witnessing strong growth in the team’s membership and breadth of capabilities. Asked why other people should participate with Minuteman, his reply is simple and direct:
“It is very rewarding to help those in need.”
That’s the core of the opportunity Minuteman presents and provides. Paul has been involved in Missions ministry for 40 years. He also started a commercial construction company that is 40-years strong, and now run by one of his sons. He sees the parallel successes of those endeavors as no mere coincidence. Paul is blessed by his vivacious wife, Judy, and plenty of grandchildren.






Director of Relief Operations Member Since 2018 - With a passion to serve others in the aftermath of a disaster, Minuteman provided Jeff with an outlet to volunteer. For Jeff, it has been a pleasure working with a growing organization that holds high standards of professionalism while also building deep, trusting relationships with other team members. The most rewarding experience for Jeff has been witnessing the positive impact of his service on those who have been affected by natural disasters. Jeff believes Minuteman is the right organization for any individual looking for something truly unique, exciting, and hands-on.  
If you have a heart for service and do not mind getting a little dirty, stepping into the gap to provide what others cannot or will not is following the Golden Rule.



Director of Relief Operations



Deputy Director of Relief Operations Member Since 2019 - Pete got involved with disaster relief operations to assist those who were in situations beyond their control. Working hard to help others has always come naturally to Pete, so joining the MDR Team was a no-brainer for him.  
When Minuteman comes to help resolve their situation, the gratitude they express is priceless. They had no hope. We had the equipment, expertise, and willingness to help, and now they have hope.
Pete is a retired commodity trader and broker. He and his wife, a third grade school teacher, have two children, a daughter in medical school and a son entering senior year in college.    



Deputy Director of Relief Operations



Director of National Expansion - With a passion to serve others in the aftermath of a disaster, Minuteman provided Scott an outlet to volunteer. For Scott, it has been a pleasure working with a growing organization that holds high standards of professionalism while also building deep, trusting relationships with other team members. The most rewarding experience for Scott has been witnessing the positive impact of his service on those who have been affected by natural disasters. Scott believes Minuteman is the right organization for any individual looking for something truly unique, exciting and hands-on.  
“I have been very blessed in providing for devastated communities. ”
Even as a traveling sales professional with a wife and three children, Minuteman has offered Scott a platform that provides a well-balanced life and intangible rewards.          



Director of National Expansion



Director of Media   Originally joining on with Minuteman as a part of the Rapid Response Team, Joseph has served as a volunteer since 2019 by utilizing his media background and proficient skills in drone piloting to helps those in need.  
I believe the MDR founders are driven by the needs of disaster victims and guided by a determination to expand our competencies and extend our services, and are doing so with a high level of expectation for conduct and professionalism that I believe is superior to many other similar organizations.
Jospeh is creator and entrepreneur, a father, a husband and a passionate proponent of intentional living and productivity.  



Director of Media



Member Since 2011 - Grateful for being one of the four men who founded Minuteman after responding to Joplin, Missouri’s EF5 tornado, Michael found an avenue to express his passion to serve those affected by disasters. For Michael, the training offered by Minuteman is not only in-depth and professional, but filled with heart, compassion and desire to effectively deploy in the midst of crisis.
“We offer an incredible “on-ramp” training for any individual -- even with little or no experience.“
Michael is honored to serve as the Pastor of his local church in McKinney, Texas. He also enjoys cycling, reading, mission trips to Mexico, and Friday night pizza and movies with his wife and three children.






Sawyer Coordinator Member Since 2023 - Phillip has been involved with disaster relief operations for many years and came into contact with MDR while serving those in need.  After being impressed by the organizations structure and training, he joined the team and quickly became a regular volunteer on the team.  
I love helping people, but my true passion is teaching and increasing capability in others. Helping inexperienced sawyers become faster and more efficient has been very rewarding.
Phillip is an Afgahanistan army combat veteran, former school teacher, and contractor. His girlfiend, also an MDR Member, and him split their time between their home in Louisiana and their home in Puerto Rico where they build response capabilites and oppurtunities.    



Sawyer Coordinator



Heavy Equipment Coordinator Member Since 2018 - Mike has always felt a calling to serve others in his life and has done so through many church organizations and projects.  When he learned of MDR he quickly joined and with years of experience already under his belt, Mike became a master at operating MDR's heavy equipment.  
The resources we get to use on deployment are top-notch! There's nothing better than a shower and a comfortable place to sleep after a long day of helping others.
Mike works as a Quality Assurance Supervisor for the Federal Government. He spends his time with his wife and two kids and working his classical cars.      



Heavy Equipment Coordinator



Membership Coordinator
Member Since 2017 - After retirement, Mark had his sights set on becoming an EMT. However when he discovered MDR, he found a more relaxed, flexible way to provide support to those in need. Mark enjoys every opportunity to talk and pray with those affected by natural disaster. Working with MDR has provided Mark with an immense personal satisfaction that comes from giving back and and helping others.  
MDR will challenge you in learning a variety of emergency response techniques.
  Mark has been married for 31 years and has two beautiful daughters. He is a retired electrical engineer after 33 years working for Raytheon in the field of electro-optical sensors development. He is also the Outreach Director for over 25 ministries at St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Community.



Membership Coordinator



Field Communications Coordinator
Member Since 2016 - Stan learned of Minuteman Disaster Response while his church was looking for ways to aid those suffering after a natural disaster. After attending a meeting and learning more about MDR, the concept of the rapid response team was especially appealing to him. From the start, joining MDR has been a very rewarding opportunity for Stan to make a difference in the lives of natural disaster victims, and even more rewarding to aid the first responders and families that have suffered in the same disaster.  
MDR is a great team of God-loving people who I'm honored to work with.
  When not assisting with Minuteman, Stan enjoys spending time with his wife or working at the company he’s co-owned for more than 23 years. Stan has two married sons and a daughter who's soon to be married.



Field Communications Coordinator



Maintenance Coordinator
Member Since 2017 - After retiring from the McKinney Post Office, Bill was looking for a way to "pay it back" with the free time he had on his hands. When he learned about Minuteman Disaster Response he thought that it would be a perfect fit for him. Bill recounted his early days with MDR by saying that the group is full of incredible individuals that come together for a common goal.  
It is difficult to describe the feeling of satisfaction that I get after helping families that have been traumatized by disasters. Although we can’t solve all of their problems, we definitely make a difference.
  Bill leads the maintenance team for MDR, but when he's not fixing, repairing, or jerry-rigging equipment he's busy raising his dwarf goats with his wife Alisha, of 27 years.



Maintenance Coordinator



Meteorologist - Weather Operations Coordinator - Greg was introduced to Minuteman via his fellow church friends who were longstanding members of the organization, and was amazed by the desire of strangers to join together and help those in need. Being a retired meteorologist, Greg found that serving in the OPS Center would be monumental to the team's success in storm tracking.  
“We certainly need more volunteers, and I look forward to working along side you. And trust me, the work Minuteman does is rewarding. The gratitude shown by those we assist is not soon forgotten.”
Greg spends his free time with his wife, Dawn, three children, and three grandchildren. He regularly volunteers at his local church and is an avid Texas Rangers Fan.    



Meteorologist - Weather Operations Coordinator



sUAS Coordinator Member Since 2017 - Michael has been a drone enthusiast as long as he can recall, but even with his fascination and impressive skills, he always wanted to use his knowledge for a better cause. After teaching several drone courses inside of MDR, Michael took the position of the sUAS Coordinator.
“MDR is truly a great organization with many like-minded people who have a passion for helping people.”
Michael, a Cisco Systems employee, spends his time biking, hiking, camping, and honey-do's/DIY projects for his wife around the house. He is the proud father of his son, who is an Eagle Scout, and daughter, an SFA graduate and talented voalist.    



sUAS Coordinator



Gear Coordinator Member Since 2017 - Bill retired from Texas Instruments as an Electrical Engineer, and was able to substantially increase his level of participation in several community service organizations, providing support for those that have likely just experienced the most devastating day of their lives.  
MDR is a well-rounded group of highly motivated volunteers with an exceptional dedication to helping others.
  Bill spends his free time pursuing his interests in amateur radio, mountain climbing, marine aquariums and drone operations.  



Gear Coordinator




– District Coordinators –




Dallas, TX District Coordinator - Kristi joined MDR in 2017 through her church, Gateway, after searching for ways to serve her community. She notes how rewarding it is to be the hands and feet of Christ, deploying in times of need.  
“MDR is very organized, offers top-notch training, is well run, and is a respected community partner.”
Kristi is a Church Success Partner with Ministry Brands and spends her free time at Lake Texoma with her husband, two children, and one grandchild.        



Dallas, TX District Coordinator



Tulsa, OK District Coordinator - W.A. joined the Minuteman team in 2019 after witnessing first-hand disaster strike and the flood of volunteers that had come to assist residents impacted. Quickly following his joining of the organization, W.A. was placed as the District Coordinator for Tulsa, OK.  
“Anyone that wants to help people and enjoys working with other volunteers should join MDR”
W.A. is retired from the oil industry and enjoys spending time with his wife, Arlynaa, and family.    



Tulsa, OK District Coordinator



San Antonio, TX District Coordinator - With a passion to serve others in the aftermath of a disaster, Minuteman provided Scott an outlet to volunteer. For Scott, it has been a pleasure working with a growing organization that holds high standards of professionalism while also building deep, trusting relationships with other team members. The most rewarding experience for Scott has been witnessing the positive impact of his service on those who have been affected by natural disasters. Scott believes Minuteman is the right organization for any individual looking for something truly unique, exciting and hands-on.  
“I have been very blessed in providing for devastated communities. ”
Even as a traveling sales professional with a wife and three children, Minuteman has offered Scott a platform that provides a well-balanced life and intangible rewards.          



San Antonio, TX District Coordinator



McKinney, TX District Coordinator - After traveling to Little Axe, OK, in 2013 to help with tornado cleanup, Jason felt God was calling him to partake in assisting others in a bigger way. Soon after, he joined Minuteman and quickly became a Rapid Response Team Member.  
“In 1 Peter 4:10 we are told 'As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace….'”
Jason is a Senior Inside Salesmen for Wave Electronics, who spends his days away from work with his wife or playing golf and mountain biking.    



McKinney, TX District Coordinator



Birmingham, AL District Coordinator - Randy became a member of Minuteman after volunteering through his local church. After getting home from his trip, he immediately became a member and began his training. He has often said that the most rewarding experience as a team member is to encourage and pray with homeowners who have often lost everything.  
“We go to help and encourage those in great need, but usually we are the ones who get the blessing as we work with these individuals and families.”
Randy works with technology for Public Sectors but spends most of his time with his true passion; being a worship team leader at his church.          



Birmingham, AL District Coordinator



Ft. Worth, TX District Coordinator - Greg was introduced to Minuteman via his fellow church friends who were longstanding members of the organization, and was amazed by the desire of strangers to join together and help those in need. Being a retired meteorologist, Greg found that serving in the OPS Center would be monumental to the team's success in storm tracking.  
“We certainly need more volunteers, and I look forward to working along side you. And trust me, the work Minuteman does is rewarding. The gratitude shown by those we assist is not soon forgotten.”
Greg spends his free time with his wife, Dawn, three children, and three grandchildren. He regularly volunteers at his local church and is an avid Texas Rangers Fan.    



Ft. Worth, TX District Coordinator