The weekend of August 26, Minuteman Disaster Response sent a team of 12 volunteers to aid the Balch Springs community where recent flooding took a heavy toll. Our group was among the first to begin restoring homes and supporting burdened families, bringing gladness to the staff and volunteers. 

Many of the residents helped were older married couples and elderly grandparents living on their own who were limited in their abilities to renovate. The team cleared out trashed furniture, flooring, and home items. Water damage in the homes was as high as 18 inches, so volunteers mucked out the damaged wall layers for the new additions. During the heartbreaking process of emptying homes, those impacted were incredibly warm and positive with the team.   

With such extensive damage to neighborhoods and city buildings, residents were closing their businesses to attend to the damages. As our team and others aided in the relief efforts, the uncertainty and hopelessness of the community lessened, lifting hopes and unity. 

One resident of Balch Springs, Mark Kinsman, shared his experience to ABC local news saying, “The life lesson really is: ‘What’s truly important?’ That TV set that got ruined, you can buy another, but that picture of your baby, you’ll never get another.”

In desperate times, people often open their eyes and hearts to what truly matters, treasuring their loved ones and their own life. Every deployment, MDR prioritizes spreading hope and joy to each person we encounter, always offering to pray with the victims of tragedy. Many others can repair homes but few also focus on repairing the people affected. The love of Jesus remains the most important impact to leave on those we help. 

“The most fulfilling part is not just the awesome feeling I get by being privileged to help others, but being moved every time by the great spirit of the ones who have ofter lost everything they have, as they have a positive, grateful and thankful attitude,” said Randy Rogan, a volunteer with MDR.

Over five years ago, Randy heard about Minuteman Disaster Response at a church group and decided to sign up after seeing the rich impact he could have in people’s lives, as well as their impact in his own life. Deployments like Balch Springs give Randy the opportunity to build relationships with the newest members of the team and connect with those affected by disaster. Randy’s favorite moment as a volunteer is “praying with the homeowner once we completed the day.” 

We are privileged to help those impacted by natural disasters pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives with hope in their spirits, and our team leaves with full hearts after every chance to help. 

North Texas Giving Day is an event to bring awareness and support for local nonprofits, representing the nation’s largest community-wide giving event. The date of NTX Giving Day is September 22, and the mission is that “everyone can find their passion, and give with purpose.” We would be honored to steward your donation to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the lives of natural disaster victims. Donations are now open!

To find out more about Minuteman Disaster Response and how the organization supports communities impacted by natural disasters, visit